
Electronic Press Kit

 about nora

My lyrics make my songs. My songs are my stories and they are my poetry. Throughout my life, I’ve written songs when I’ve been inspired to, whether by people in my life, difficulties I go through, or just events that spark inspiration in me. Now, as a more experienced songwriter, I take more joy in carefully crafting my songs and really analyzing what each lyric means and why it’s essential to the meaning of the song. The songs don’t just “fall out” of my imagination as much anymore, they’re more of a craft that I take the time to mold into a full song from either an idea, a single word, or a phrase.

As an artist, I strive to stay true to my moral values and provide content that is true to what I believe in. This means writing songs that impact me personally and that I feel will impact others emotionally. It also means supporting artists and music that represents truth, unity and respect.


